
致敬 & 鸣谢





  • Spring Framework:A key element of Spring is infrastructural support at the application level. so that teams can focus on application-level business logic, without unnecessary ties to specific deployment environments.
  • Spring Boot:Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".
  • Nacos:An easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
  • Apache Dubbo:A high-performance, java based open source RPC framework.Dubbo offers six key functionalities, which include transparent interface based RPC, intelligent load balancing, automatic service registration and discovery, high extensibility, runtime traffic routing, and visualized service governance.
  • MyBatis:A first class persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings.
  • MyBatis Plus:A powerful enhanced toolkit of MyBatis for simplify development. This toolkit provides some efficient, useful, out-of-the-box features for MyBatis.
  • Laying Cahce:A multi-level caching framework that supports distributed environments. It uses Caffeine as a level 1 local cache and Redis as a level 2 centralized cache.
  • ShardingSphere-JDBC:With the client end connecting directly to the database, it provides services in the form of a jar and requires no extra deployment and dependence for data sharding, readwrite-splitting, data encryption and shadow database etc.
  • Apache ShenYu Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance.
  • Seata:Seata is an open source distributed transaction solution that delivers high performance and easy to use distributed transaction services under a microservices architecture.
  • Sentinel A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices.
  • Lock4j:Lock4j is a distributed lock component.
  • Hutool:A set of tools that keep Java sweet.


  • Vue.js 3:An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.
  • Element Plus:A Vue 3 based component library for designers and developers.
  • SCUI:Vue3 + element plus based front-end solutions in the background.


  • uni-app:是一个使用 Vue.js 开发所有前端应用的框架,开发者编写一套代码,可发布到iOS、Android、Web(响应式)、以及各种小程序(微信/支付宝/百度/头条/飞书/QQ/快手/钉钉/淘宝)、快应用等多个平台。
  • uView UI:是全面兼容nvue的uni-app生态框架,全面的组件和便捷的工具会让您信手拈来,如鱼得水。